Acadia communication


About Acadia

Acadia helps leaders, companies and organizations build and protect their reputations and deal with the most challenging and exciting communications issues. Its founder Mark Renouf is a former BBC journalist who later became a partner with Canada’s largest communications firm.

Acadia has close relationships and collaborates with internationally experienced partners in design, public affairs, digital services, branding, marketing, HR, and film and content production. Through these strategic partnerships in Denmark, the Nordics, the UK, Europe, Canada and the US, we provide Danish and international clients with highly experienced and discrete counsel and professional execution.

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Editorial services

& change communication

Media Training & presentation skills

Sector experience

 Energy (oil and gas, wind and tidal energy; electricity generation, transmission and distribution; major project permitting and regulatory approvals); aviation (airlines and airport authorities); architecture and design; healthcare; transportation (international shipping); economic development; labour relations; legal affairs/litigation (law firms, practitioners and clients); government and non-government agencies and departments; higher education (universities, education authorities); property development; manufacturing; fisheries/aquaculture; food and drink; life sciences; banking and finance.


References available on request.